Straightforward online car insurance

Help and support with your insurance

You make changes online icon

You make changes online

Change personal or cover details, view your documents, renew or cancel anytime in My account.

Chatbot - help and support icon

Chatbot - help and support

Our chatbot will give you the best contact options or the latest information to help you with any queries.

Limited telephone support icon

Limited telephone support

Whilst you’re deciding to buy or renew your insurance we offer phone support – this is for a period of 28 days only*. Our chatbot is available at all other times.

* Telephone support is available from when you get your quote through to 28 days after your insurance starts and for 28 days prior to your renewal date or until you renew your insurance

Cover levels

We offer two levels of insurance and the option to add additional features for extra protection.

Comprehensive icon


This insurance has our widest level of cover. From bumps, scrapes, dents or scratches to your car – we’ll ensure you’re back behind the wheel quickly

Third party, fire, theft icon

Third party, fire and theft

While this is our lower level of cover, it gives you more protection than the basic ‘third party’ cover that everyone needs on the road in the UK by including damage caused by fire or theft

Personalise your cover with our optional add-ons

Motor legal services icon

Motor legal services

Get expert legal support when you need it most.

Breakdown cover icon

Breakdown cover

Rest assured you won’t be stranded at the roadside if your car gives up on you.

Hire car icon

Hire car

We’ll keep you on the road with a hire car if yours is written off or stolen. You can only pair this with our comprehensive cover.

Protected no claims discount icon

Protected no claim discount

Keep all or part your no claim discount (NCD), even if you make a claim.

Increased personal accident cover icon

Increased personal accident cover

Ensure you’re covered if you, your partner, or any drivers on the policy suffer serious injury or death in an accident in the insured car.

Keycare icon


Have your keys and fob replaced if they’re lost or stolen.

Eligable Image

Not sure if you’re eligible?

Check if you and any additional drivers meet our basic criteria.

Need short term cover?

Insure a car, van or motorhome for the exact amount of time you need with Dayinsure.

  • Temporary insurance for cars and vans
  • Available for 1 hour to 30 days
  • Age 18 to 75.
Get a Dayinsure quote
Car with clock